Genzler bass amplifier
Model/Varenr.: KINETIX800

Genzler bass amplifier

10.400,00 DKK

(inkl. moms)

Lagerstatus: Varen på lager

Genzler har endelig introduceret den nye KINETIX800 forstærker, en hybrid basforstærker, bestående af en fuld rør preamp, samt et klasse D udgangstrin.
KINETIX800 kommer med en rigtig rørpreamp, med 3 stk 12AX7 rør, og har været undervejs I et par år.

Og hvordan adskiller den sig så, fra de mange forstærkere, som allerede findes på markedet?

Først og fremmest er der ikke blot tale om et enkelt rør, som man ser i mange forstærkerdesigns. Men måden de tre rør drives på betyder en verden til forskel. Hele rørsektionen kører med en 300v spænding, hvilket resulterer i en helt anden respons og dynamik, end man er vant til. 
KINETIX800 er så varm, levende, og Old School som det kan lade sig gøre, og leverer for første gang, den helt rigtige fornemmelse af rørforstærker, i en Klasse D forstærker.

Rør #1 driver gain/input kredsløbet. Og som følge deraf, er dit Direct Out/XLR også rørdrevet, da signalet til mixer hentes fra inputkredsen. Rør #2 & #3 driver forstærkerens 5 bånds EQ

Udover rør preampen, har Genzler tilføjet en Lean/Fat/Thick switch, som interagerer med udgangsforstærkeren, og simulerer hvordan udgangstrinnet i en rørforstærker reagerer i forskellige scenarier.

Hvis du indimellem har savnet den gamle Hiwatt, Marshall, Fender, eller Ampeg forstærker, har Genzler fat i det helt rigtige, med KINETIX800. Og hele pakken vejer kun 3,3Kg.

Som alle øvrige Genzler forstærkere, arbejder KINETIX800 ned til 2.67Ohm, og trækker altså let 3 stk 8 ohms kabinetter, eller 8 + 4ohm. Og der er masser af hestekræfter, uanset hvilket job du spiller.

Tube Preamp:
:: ¼” Jack input
:: Boost/Mute switch (8db Boost function)
:: Gain, Volume (Tube 1)

Tube Driven EQ (Tube 2 & 3)
:: Bass +/-13dB, 70Hz
:: Lo Mid +/-10dB, 250Hz
:: Mid +6dB/-11dB, 575Hz
:: Hi Mid +/-11dB, 2.3KHz
:: Treble +/-13dB, 5KHz

:: Master Volume
:: Standby/Operation LED (app. 13 seconds for warming up tubes)
:: Lean/Fat/Thick switch (3 different HPF settings, plus different Lo end response curves)

:: Voltage Selector (Must be set to correct voltage)
:: Impedance Selector (Must match total speaker impedance)
:: Speakon Out (2)
:: Aux Input/Headphone out
:: EXF Loop (Serial)
:: Tuner Out
:: Balanced/Tube Driven XLR D.I. (Ground Lift, Pre/Post, Line/Mic lev


Et par ord om KINETIX800, fra Jeff Genzler
Vi spurgte Jeff Genzler om KINETIX800 forstærkere, og hvordan den adskiller sig fra markedet.

What makes the new KINETIX 800 amp stand out from the many bass amps, offering a tube in the preamp?
(JG) In general, when using a single tube in a bass preamp design, it is running at a low voltage on the plate voltage (50 volts or less in many amp designs we know of). In most cases a single tube is there for show, and does little to the character of the tone. (There are some very highly regarded amps that are like this) With the Kinetix 800, we’re running the plate voltage at a full 300 volts, which is the same as true classic ALL TUBE bass amps.

What does this do to the sound?
(JG) It’s highly regarded that running tubes at this high a voltage offers the best performance in how preamp tubes respond, with their harmonic content, characteristics and definition. This is the “feel” that many players seek when using an all tube bass amp, but then they need to be weighted down by the heavy weight of those amps, and the cost of power tubes, etc. Our All tube driven preamp delivers the best of what players like about tube performance, but in a lightweight package.

What do the preamp tubes actually do?
(JG) In our design, the first tube is the input buffer and gain stage and the extra gain required for the BOOST function. Because of this the XLR DI is tube driven as well, as the signal comes right off the input buffer.
The other 2 tubes drive the ALL TUBE EQ network. In this section, since we’re running the tubes at this 300 volt level, we’re running these filters at a high signal level which again offers the best characteristics and warmth within the EQ network. This offers a combination of linear and non-linear characteristics, which players find very pleasing and musical, compared to solid-state EQ networks.
The EQ network is a unique blend and adaptation of Baxandall, passive and active circuits to form the 5 band filter set.

You are using a Class D Poweramp, how does that pair with the preamp?
(JG) Very well, we think. We have included, on the front panel, LEAN / FAT / THICK filters. These are adaptations of how a tube Power Section responds to various types of cabinets:

The LEAN position offers a feel of a sealed cabinet, or more vintage cabs from the 60’s or so that had a more limited LF bandwidth.

The FAT setting offers the performance of a classic large bass cabinet the creates the classic impedance spike at approx. 80 Hz which offer that fat push of output level in the narrow range, which corresponds with the fullness and punch that players feel is that FATNESS of a tube driven amp.

The THICK setting is similar to the FAT but at a lower frequency peak, such that the LF push is more of a floor shaking level, than the pant-flapping push of the FAT position.

The KINETIX 800, seems very user friendly, without too many bells and whistles?
(JG) Overall, we are hoping to have players experiment in the spender of the fatness, bigness and overall musical experience that is the KINETIX 800’s signature tone!